Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Love my ELA BLOCK 2

I just wanted to pop by today and give reasons to why I am thankful for my students this year.  Every Wednesday, in ELA class, we blog.  We call it, "What do ya say Wednesday!?"  So..... I say that I am loving this school year!  My students are very polite, share a lot of their creative ideas and I actually learn a lot from them!
      I am thankful that they offer to fill up my water bottle and some have brought me treats even!  I have had homemade cookies and tamales!   MMMMMMM!  The students are also very positive kiddos who have a lot of interests that I like to learn about.  They share at appropriate times and can be honest.  They enjoy watching Netflix, play video games and even show me pics of their pets!

I have become more patient and positive with this group.  It has helped to remember:  Give what you want to Get.  If I want to be treated with respect, then I have to slow down and respect them with the words I choose and the tone of voice I have.  Let's be honest, students don't like angry teachers who lost patience easily.  I am for sure making growth and becoming stronger with my patience.

Here is a pic of my lovely BLOCK 2 kiddos!

Silly Boys!  

Helping each other out!!!

OH No!!!!
Blog Time!!!!