Tuesday, September 16, 2014

It's Starting....

YAY!  It is finally happening!  My students are going to begin blogging!  I put all of their blogs up on my page to the side...so have fun when you take a peek at their first posts.  I'm sure they won't be ready until about Friday.


Please be responsible, respectful and safe with your blogs.  Here are some tips to help you:

-Ms. Belkov and I can see what you are up to
-Always check to make sure you post your writing 
-Make sure you add a title for your posts
-Comment on other student's blogs
-Ask us for help when needed!
-Have FUN!

I am SURE we will be giving you tips along the way...these were just to get you started!

FIRST ASSIGNMENT:  Write a summary of your book that you have been reading.  IF you JUST started reading a new book, try your best with what you know so far.  This must be a post on your blog and must be at least 5 sentences!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Currently this month

This month of September...thanks Farley!

Happiness Now

I haven't been able to stop by my blog everyday...and that makes me sad.  :(  I have to find the time to reflect everyday!  That was one of my goals this school year!  So here I go on and on about what I have been doing lately....work and personal life!  Pics below are all I have to show right now.  LOL

  • I am almost finished with my classroom (decorating, organizing and making routines)  
    • Picture will be up tomorrow!

  • I am keeping my math resource classroom organized and on task with "I CAN" statements.  My students know what needs to be mastered by day two of learning it.  It may sound like a lot for a resource room, but here is how I am doing it!  Since my students are 7th AND 8th graders performing below standards, 

           Day 1:  They are refreshed with the skill with 5th or 6th grade examples/demonstrations/practicing
           Day 2:  Class guidance and then IXL goals at the 6th or 7th grade level.  Then by the end of this class or by Day 3, my students are mastering the skill
           Day 3:  I work one on one with those that need the guidance and differentiate for those who are ready to go on the next skill.
           Day 4:  We are at a new skill!

So far, it has been working well.  Student's are motivated to get to the mastery level and are proud of their work.  Once skills are mastered, I type the skill out and post it on my bulletin board saying, "I Can" identify equivalent ratios!  (with the ixl goal added)

  • My Resource Language Arts classroom is going good so far.  They are about to finish their own story of "The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs"   They are wolf and telling the truth!  They enjoyed it by choosing their own setting, the pig's names, and even how they end story!  Moving onto a personal narrative next...
  • Social Justice is making progress with our students.  We are moving onto meeting specific upstanders this week and students will present the person to the class!  
  • I celebrated my nieces 3rd birthday this week/weekend!  
  • My boyfriend and I had a yummy breakfast at Delia's Kitchen in Oak Park- MY FAVORITE! Then we are going to the city tonight to take a drive and go sit at the beach tonight.