Tuesday, September 16, 2014

It's Starting....

YAY!  It is finally happening!  My students are going to begin blogging!  I put all of their blogs up on my page to the side...so have fun when you take a peek at their first posts.  I'm sure they won't be ready until about Friday.


Please be responsible, respectful and safe with your blogs.  Here are some tips to help you:

-Ms. Belkov and I can see what you are up to
-Always check to make sure you post your writing 
-Make sure you add a title for your posts
-Comment on other student's blogs
-Ask us for help when needed!
-Have FUN!

I am SURE we will be giving you tips along the way...these were just to get you started!

FIRST ASSIGNMENT:  Write a summary of your book that you have been reading.  IF you JUST started reading a new book, try your best with what you know so far.  This must be a post on your blog and must be at least 5 sentences!

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