Saturday, October 25, 2014

Why I love teaching!

I just had to share one of my student's notes that she left for me last week.  I have kids go in and out of my room to get a book or get some quiet time to complete their work.  This is what was left for me!  This is why I am teaching!

Progress is being made by my students.  I have seen so much growth behaviorally and academically.  One specific kid who almost led me to tear my hair out last year is finally realizing that he CAN do the work that is assigned to him.  He is more positive in completing the work and after learning how to give evidence to character traits, he even shared some evidence to why I am awesome!  See below:

We discussed how reading is beneficial by reading "Thank You, Mr. Falker"

If you don't know about this book, you should!  It really helped my kiddos in my resource class to feel better about their level of academic achievement.  Trish, the character in the book has a reading disability and struggles with reading at a lower level than the rest of her peers.  She shows frustration and determination, but just can't seem to get the help she needs.  Then she finally meets a teacher who understands her and helps her.  My kids had their jaws dropped and said, "Omg, that's what happens to me when I try reading."  

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Family Time

Finally for the first time my mom met my boyfriend's parents!  More excitingly, Blair and her husband (boyfriend's sister and brother in-law) were there too!  We had such a great time and my mom was so happy.  They all enjoyed each other, ate good food, and made some memories.  We went to Kiko's, a Bosnian restaurant that has delicious food like back home in Kosovo!  MMMM...good!


Thank you to Farley for always keeping me on track each month!

Loving the Fall's my favorite time of year
I am trying to understand relationships better.  All kinds.  Friends, relatives, co-workers...
I have lost a little weight and went down one pant size!!
I am reading "If I Stay" right now and the next one is another Gillian Flynn book, "Sharp Objects"  
I want Butterfinger as my treat!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Friendship- I am happy to have mine!

'Friends.' A simple word isn't it? It's uttered everyday to almost every person imaginable. Who are your friends? I used to think that friends were the people that you could laugh and talk to. Now I know that friends aren't that, they're the people that touch your heart. You could spend hours with them doing nothing at all and it can be the best time of your life, just because it was with them. They're the people you can share your secrets with, cry with, laugh with, and just have fun with. They don't judge you or make you change. They accept you exactly as you are. They look at you and they see a great person, one they love spending time with. You all share something in common and are tied together by memories, tears, laughs and smiles. You're tied together by love for the other. Friendship is one of the greatest things in the world. I find my time with my friends, the best times of my life. My friends are my heart, my soul, my fun, my laughter, tears, love and my life

Who are your friends and what does it mean to you?  I have been thinking about this lately and I wanted to share this quote.

Friday, October 3, 2014

New Book and Lovin' it- If I Stay

If I Stay Summary
As of right now, I am reading the book, "If I Stay."  I love it so far.  I usually don't like to read books when there is a movie out already, but I am lovin' this one so far.  The detail in the book is amazing and I fall right into the main character, Mia.  Mia is a teenager who plays the cello and her story begins when her family go for a car ride to visit friends of the family.  They end up in a crazy scary car crash and as of right now I am not sure if they are all dead.  Mia is narrating everything that is happening and she can NOW see herself half alive at the scene of the accident and now at the hospital.  She isn't sure how and why this is happening, and either am I!

Character Analysis of Mia
Mia is kind hearted teenager with a lot of maturity.  She loves her family very much.  She mentions in the book, "I'd rather go off and be with my family."  She is like an old soul and has interests that are a lot different than typical teenagers.  She also is kind hearted because she describes her relationship with her grandparents as well.