Saturday, July 4, 2015

Blog Day 4- July 4th

Saturday Skinny

Hello and Happy 4th of July!  I hope everyone is planning to have a fun day with friends and family! I know I am!  I got a sneak peek at fireworks across the lake last night, that was nice.

Linking up with Michelle and trying to think of the gossip that I can share.  I have been bragging about my fun in the sun here in Michigan.  Our group/family is doing a huge dinner tonight.  My cousin Michael is making a hog, I believe.  He cooks very well!  

Yesterday we shared good ol' Portillos with the everyone.  My mom and sister-in-law brought up the food from Chicago and everyone was real excited to make their beef sandwich!  Yum! 

While I am not a the beach, I have been putting my 31 order together and have been catching up with the latest re-runs of Full House!  Oh yes, I said Full House.  My friend lent me her series set of it!

Well, I must get up and get moving!  I am done with my coffee and breakfast.  I am next to take a shower in this crowded house!  Talk to you soon!

Peace and Love


  1. That sounds so lovely--family and good food! Question...I have a small 31 tote, but have no idea what to use it for. Can you give me an clue? Thanks, and Happy 4th!

  2. Portillos! You got it, dude!
