Thursday, July 2, 2015

Day 2 Blog Challenge- Books

I am arriving a little late to the daily blog, but I am here and ready to blog!  I am linking up with Michelle today (Big Time Literacy).  The point is to blog everyday!  I am totally excited for it!

Today marks day 2 and inspires me to write about my book or book club.  I have been keeping up with my goal so far this summer.  I have read two books and onto my third right now.  Check out my goodreads if you would like to be my friend!  I love reading reviews after I am done with a book and see what others think.  I just finished these two books below.  They are total opposite books though.  Nice and easy to read on the beach! :)
Funny, thoughtful, and wacky
creepy, crazy, and suspenseful.  
Don't read alone in your house or for sure not at your lake house at midnight!

I have never been a part of a book club.  I would like to though.  It would help me finish faster than usual.  I could get more books read within a year too!  

Next book that I will be reading is a classic-  The Thornbirds
My mom's recommendation.  She said it was her favorite book growing up and she's read it three times.  Theres a movie too!  BONUS!

Anyone want to share what they are reading this Summer?  

Peace and love

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