Wednesday, July 23, 2014

College Memories

Posting memories of college!

Eastern Illinois University was an amazing experience.  I met great people and learned a lot about myself.  Procrastination was my middle name in college.  Now, I am totally different and DO NOT wait til the last minute.

I remember finally moving out of the dorm and into my first apartment.  I was so lazy, that I drove to class and would get parking tickets once in a while.  I loved to meet my friends on campus in between classes.  I loved our library, it was a nice place to chill for a bit or do a ton of work at once.

I absolutely loved my waitressing job too!  I worked at a local pizza place and was liked by the customers because I was from Chicago.  The other employees would make fun of my "accent."  I received great tips because I was so friendly!

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